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VCB-Studio 2024 秋季组员招募(已截止)

本次 2024 秋季招新面向整理组、压制组和发布组,欢迎大家踊跃报名。 入群方式 有意报名任意组的同学,请直接加群 873142259(QQ 可能出现搜不到的情况,...


VCB-Studio 支持 IEEE 的决定: 发布时禁止使用涩图 [愚人节快乐]

VCB-S 全心全意地支持 IEEE 的倡议,并热情地加入到他们促进多样性和性别平等的努力中。 At VCB-S, we wholeheartedly support the IEEE’s initiative ...


在 Windows 系统中启用长路径功能

从本月起我们的成品可能不再遵从较为严格的路径长度限制。这篇文章将简单介绍如何在 Windows 系统中启用长路径功能。 Windows 系统中较为保守的最大路径...


2,246 条评论

      1. I would not use the word “better”, in the sense that rippers were just deciding trade-offsANK was not doing deband; it was denoisng.Noises are considered to carry little information useful while taking up a fucking amount of bit-rate; so if you are aiming for smaller sizes, it makes sense to remove the noise/grain. If you decide to bare a higher bit-rate, mawen’s ver is considered more appropriate.besides, I don’t see much detail loss in ANK’s ver; almost everything else except for noise/grain was protected quite well. Saya is really doing quite well in the technical sense, the rest are just personal bias: how much disk storage and network flow are you willing to pay for this movie?

        1. I changed the word “better” to “a different style.” If you are concerned about the size ANK,otherwise mawen1250(I feel a little uncomfortable at ANK version.)* just personal feel

  1. l大一集卡巴影音组的各位,请问来自风平浪静的明天开坑的机会大吗,作为pa work最新作我很喜欢本作品,也知道各位时间有限,所以就询问一下,还有2月3月的剧场版那朵花和空之境界你们会做不?

    1. 曾经被某个虫师的脑残粉要求开坑,天花乱坠说了半天这番多神多好我没看不喜欢是我不对,还以三脚猫的见解教育我虫师他觉得必须怎么做,提了一堆费时费力效果差的制作方案要求我照做出番。。。所以被彻底恶心到了之后,从个人情感上说虫师这番我绝不会开,要开也根本没心情认真做,请见谅。

    1. 光是全集200多个(估计啊)进化片段就得单独拉出来处理。。。DVD每一集都得花上半天时间精确计算和切割,而且团队分工合作难度极大。


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