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VCB-Studio 2024 秋季組員招募(已截止)

本次 2024 秋季招新面向整理組、壓制組和發佈組,歡迎大家踴躍報名。 入群方式 有意報名任意組的同學,請直接加群 873142259(QQ 可能出現搜不到的情況,...


VCB-Studio 支持 IEEE 的決定: 發佈時禁止使用澀圖 [愚人節快樂]

VCB-S 全心全意地支持 IEEE 的倡議,並熱情地加入到他們促進多樣性和性別平等的努力中。 At VCB-S, we wholeheartedly support the IEEE’s initiative ...


60 条评论

  1. 研究生階段做NR圖像退化問題分析過,目前做圖像處理AI這塊的博士在讀,話說你們說的5%範圍是MSE?我倒的確想把深度學習一些修復技術扔進來測試。

  2. 1. –>”Be a university student or a Ph.D. candidate who is expected to be in school for at least another 2 years”
    Is it acceptable to claim that I satisfy the condition without proof? (i.e. providing only “currently a year 1 phd in ” without any real name or school that can be used to verify the identity)
    2. –>”Have some knowledge about commonly used encoding tools.”
    To what extent should a qualified candidate know about those tools? Is it enough to know roughly about what those options do in the tools, or prior practical experiences are required/preferred?

    1. 1. It is fine. You don’t have to show your real name. Once you are invited into the class, during the daily conversations, by showing you have the knowledge and common sense at Ph.D. level is good enough. We build the team based on trust.

      2. Rough understanding is OK. How “roughly”? Simply finish the ripping task and do a proper comparison.

  3. tbh, the requirements are really demanding, candidates are expected to be in uni in the next two year is the most challenging one, I don’t think penultimate/final year student will have time for training due to FYP/internship. The target group you are looking at is only first/second year student, who may not have sufficient technical background. Maybe it is better to put requirement 1 as a bonus rather than an actual requirement.

    1. Just to clarify, when we say “have some background” we really mean you can write a simple program, say, read some numbers and sort them. Then we do not need to teach the candidates year-1 programming courses.

  4. 認真讀完要求 真的肅然起敬 VCB真的用心啊 還有好多句子讓我產生了強烈的逮嚇戶 好像在讀project requirement
    奈何自身弱雞 幫頂吧

    1. 畢竟Vapoursynth本身就是用的Python語言,寫腳本就是寫代碼當然需要編程能力。英文能力應該是為了讀各種英文文檔吧,畢竟這方面中文資料相當有限。

  5. 這個門檻很高和意義都很重大


    只能默默做種的萌新只能Best wish了

  6. :mrgreen: 劃重點,之後一段時間都不會再招技術總監了,有實力有擔當的大佬趕快上車.jpg

  7. 大一在讀學生,現在正在學習各種語言,但是掌握度還不夠,英文能懂,希望再大二的時候有能力成為VCB的一員!


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