Nyaa is dead. While we are grieving the loss of one of the biggest anime-related BitTorrent site, here is a brief guide for our non-Chinese audiences to find our work.

For our old releases posted on Nyaa (prior to 2017.05.01), check out AcgnX Torrent or Nyaa Pantsu and search for “vcb”. There you can still find the English version of our release notes and magnet links for downloading.

For future releases, check out Bangumi Moe. It has an English website, and we have been posting our work on it for quite a while. We will continue to post there, but adding English release notes as well. As always, we will post all the links to the torrent sites here, so if you’ve been following our website, just choose the links to bangumi.moe from now on instead of nyaa.se.

Stay tuned and don’t panic.

Updated on 2017.05.17: From now on you can also find our releases on AcgnX Torrent.

(image credit: ue)

Project list / 作品項目列表

(Image Credit: 紺屋鴉江@pixiv) Online Docs / 在線表格 Google Sheet Notes / 注釋: UID / RS / Rev / SP = 年月+序號 / 重發 / 重製 / 集中式補丁包 UID...


VCB-Studio 2024 秋季組員招募(已截止)

本次 2024 秋季招新面向整理組、壓制組和發佈組,歡迎大家踴躍報名。 入群方式 有意報名任意組的同學,請直接加群 873142259(QQ 可能出現搜不到的情況,...


VCB-Studio 支持 IEEE 的決定: 發佈時禁止使用澀圖 [愚人節快樂]

VCB-S 全心全意地支持 IEEE 的倡議,並熱情地加入到他們促進多樣性和性別平等的努力中。 At VCB-S, we wholeheartedly support the IEEE’s initiative ...


18 条评论

    1. 並不這麼認為,nyaa.si 從站點形式和與 nyaa.se 的區別上來看,是完全新寫的。而且可以注意到,舊的發佈是只有 magnet url 的,顯然這個站並沒有完整的原來 nyaa.se 的數據。如果說隨便哪個人建一個鏡像站套個 nyaa 的名號都算復活的話,那早活了(笑

  1. nyaa用得最多的就是搜索後點size排序…而且不是單頁的排序是全局的,還沒有找到另一個能像這樣做的網站,AcgnX Torrent也變成單頁排序了_(:з」∠)_

    1. Looks good. Didn’t know they also have a Nyaa archive with English interface as well.

      Added to the main post. It never hurts to have more alternatives especially Nyaa Pantsu was offline for an entire day yesterday…


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