


i7 5820K/E5 2670v2或者更高






For Application of Group of Assemblers, You don’t need to have good hardware, but you need 8M/4M network. 


啥,你說你看不懂?也懶得去查字典?那你還是別報名整理組(Group of Assemblers)了;你英語水平不夠。

Requirements for Group of Assemblers
You are a fan of VCB-Studio
You have a lot of free time; e.g., you are a college student
You get strong responsibility.

Bonus pools:
You get an account in U2
You are familiar with anime-sharing forums like tsdm
You have some skills in finding resources(like certain BDRip, CD resources…), so you don’t always ask others to provide them for you.
















Project list / 作品項目列表

(Image Credit: 紺屋鴉江@pixiv) Online Docs / 在線表格 Google Sheet Notes / 注釋: UID / RS / Rev / SP = 年月+序號 / 重發 / 重製 / 集中式補丁包 UID...


VCB-Studio 2024 秋季組員招募(已截止)

本次 2024 秋季招新面向整理組、壓制組和發佈組,歡迎大家踴躍報名。 入群方式 有意報名任意組的同學,請直接加群 873142259(QQ 可能出現搜不到的情況,...


VCB-Studio 支持 IEEE 的決定: 發佈時禁止使用澀圖 [愚人節快樂]

VCB-S 全心全意地支持 IEEE 的倡議,並熱情地加入到他們促進多樣性和性別平等的努力中。 At VCB-S, we wholeheartedly support the IEEE’s initiative ...


106 条评论

  1. 低性能節點是intel Xeon E5 4640*4+128GB內存。高性能節點是intel Xeon E5 2620 v2*2+64GB內存+intel Xeon Phi 31S1P*3,最多可以128個高性能節點一共256路intel Xeon E5 2620 v2+2048GB內存+384塊Xeon Phi 31S1P組成集群。我不會搗鼓哈,QQ2669851967,低性能節點可以免費借你們,高性能的話我使用也是要交錢滴。。。

    1. 嗯哼可以借給你們用啊,但是壓視頻我不太精通,節點是Linux的,只能SSH命令行操作。平時拿來跑跑ANSYS啥的,壓個視頻應該沒啥問題吧。。。24小時都可以運行,除非宕機。不過我有個朋友是做視頻的~~

  2. 高三畢業狗 每天在線時長大於8小時 對動畫比較喜歡配置4700MQ 16G 電信50M下載重度強迫症 分類整理狂 不確定大學後是否能有充足時間 打算加整理組 英語不錯qq 2837066828

  3. 高中畢業,20M下載,4M左右上傳(具體未測),英語正常二本學渣成績,台式i3+970,筆電i7+960m,希望報名整理組,550877009

  4. i have a account on tsdm with over a 1000 points. i can get some bdmvs if you needby the way, do you have any plans to release the psycho pass 11 episodes edited version ? it has some new scenes. nothing special as i heard, but would be awesome to have itsory my bad english, i am brazilian =/

    1. We don’t plan to do that unless we are really free, which, seems impossible as we always have many more new projects to go. The reason is just as you mentioned, only a few new scenes does not make it worthy to re-encode.

        1. We will do UBW S2 once the BDMV is available, don’t worry. We’d much appreciate your help, but we have access to tsdm, and many other BDMV sharing places as well. Getting BD sources for hot anime is hardly a problem for us.

        1. I bet fchs gonna CRY if he heard you talking about treating his rip as a “subsitute” lol~I believe he’s actually trying to make, you know, something like a premium collection.All right, I’m just trying to say that Phil’s work is good. For me, I rank it second only to VCB… you might want to check it out for yourself

          1. my my i dont meant say such thing, substitute ’cause it is my second best option . there are many rips of psycho pass, and i was uncertain if i would choose between vcb and philosophy.

  5. X5650@4Ghz + 16GB內存30Mbps下載 5Mbps上傳對視音頻格式有基礎知識, 有學習能力美東大學黨 沒工作 下課後長時間在線目前在港 8月回美QQ 2733433977


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