


Team VCB-Studio has a specific group called “Group of Technical Directors”, a.k.a. “Scripters”.  They are the ones who primarily decide what animes we will do, how to do the pre-processing, how to balance encoding parameters, and assign the tasks to other team members. When a project is nearly complete, the same person is also responsible for quality assurance, screenshots, etc.

The group of scripters functions as the heart for the entire team, and the start of the project pipeline. Each qualified member is automatically promoted to the management committee. So it should be no surprise that we need people with both technical skills and solid personalities. Training courses, usually organized once every two or three years, take easily half a year long.

We are about to organize another round of training this coming spring, and we are looking for talents that (ideally):

  1. Pursuing university courses or graduate courses currently, with at least two more years expected in school. Once you are employed full-time, you just don’t have time for this. A plan for further graduate study counts as additional years in school.
  2. Studying in science, engineering, or CS background. Not to discriminate against arts or literature students, but you probably can’t even pass the entry test below.
  3. Having a passion for anime sharing. This is not something for profit nor academy. Most people start with the desire to encode their own waifus. Then it’s the sense of responsibility for the team that supports us moving on.
  4. Identifying yourself as a team player. Be ready to comply with our policies and disciplines, hide your pride towards teammates and supervisors, and coordinate with other team members even if you think you’d better solo everything.
  5. Not suffering from depression or other mental diseases. Somehow we have a consistent track record of attracting people with mild depression, who randomly disappear later without finishing their own nominated projects.

Should you think you are ready, take the entry test below. Instructions have been given in Entry Test.pdf:


As most of you probably noticed, we are slowing down in delivering new projects, and we are abandoning long-overdue projects. This is because the current scripters are retiring, or becoming less active, as most of us just don’t have enough time. If we don’t get enough new hands, we’ll have to either level down our quality (e.g. no pre-processing or fine-tuning), or stop undertaking new projects. That means the end of VCB-Studio de facto.

Before that worst-case scenario realizes, let’s see whether you can be part of the help.

VCB-Studio 支持 IEEE 的決定: 發布時禁止使用澀圖 [愚人節快樂]

VCB-S 全心全意地支持 IEEE 的倡議,並熱情地加入到他們促進多樣性和性別平等的努力中。 At VCB-S, we wholeheartedly support the IEEE’s initiative ...


Project list / 作品項目列表

(Image Credit: TOKKYU@pixiv) Online Docs / 在線表格 Google Sheet Notes / 注釋: UID / RS / Rev / SP = 年月+序號 / 重發 / 重製 / 集中式補丁包 UID /...


在 Windows 系統中啟用長路徑功能

從本月起我們的成品可能不再遵從較為嚴格的路徑長度限制。這篇文章將簡單介紹如何在 Windows 系統中啟用長路徑功能。 Windows 系統中較為保守的最大路徑...


106 条评论

  1. 終於可以看到各路神仙打架了 😳 😳 😳 內心居然還有點小小的激動 😛 弱弱的問一下大佬們,大概多久能知道結果丫 😉 😉 😉

  2. 問一下,百度網盤上傳只有1kb/s。幾分鐘上傳了192kb後,以1kb/s的速度一直上傳了好幾個小時但是已經上傳的文件還是只有192kb,我開啟SVIP後仍然沒有變化。這該怎麼辦?作為替代,我目前上傳了onedrive。

  3. Appreciate u guys for the great works over the years. It’s tough dedicating time for something passionate for almost 10 years or so. Still remember following u guys from 顯卡吧 and u guys made this far. Anyway wish u guys good luck and keep grinding.

  4. 專業與知識應該都是夠的,但是很可惜要考研或者備考出國了,等考上了再來吧。其實挺想幫助各位大佬的,不知道什麼時候能夠再有招新的機會了。

    1. 回復給David Wang: 我曾經也不會 但是可以現在現查現學現做啊!我之前也沒想到我居然真的做下來了,明明以前鴿掉了各種好機會()

        1. 回復給日代千鶴: 視頻編碼器和使用方法可以在搜索引擎里查到;圖像轉換工具其實是某操作系統自帶/搜索引擎也能查到;第四題看看公式就可以寫出來。

          1. 回復給Gray: 嗯嗯,這次考試感覺主要是考配置環境、(購買以後要用來壓制的設備Orz)、英文文獻閱讀、信息檢索這些方面的硬體條件;以及對於圖像編碼以後的結果的客觀評分標準、壓制耗時、圖像最終視覺效果差距的綜合理解。


  5. 大四了,樹莓專業的,我等下次招新吧,一是自己實在達不到你們這的要求,二是畢竟也馬上畢業了,不知道以後能不能找到一份穩定離家近的工作。另外期待我自己這最後的一次四級考試能過吧

      1. 回復給日代千鶴: 哈哈,數字媒體與技術專業,下面評論說,我們專業相對對口,實際上我們好像除了學了學建模,unity,其他,完全和計科沒啥區別

  6. 我想問一個問題,關於使用vspipe把數據流通過 – | pipe傳輸給 codec時關於pipe可能會中途關閉的問題。我想到了一個笨方法。不知道在這裡回復詢問是否合理。

      1. 我簡單的看了一下你提的 Issue,從你的輸出來看應該是 SvtAv1EncApp 奔潰。但我在同樣的 Ryzen 3700x 平台上無法復現你遇到的問題,即 --lp 8 依然能夠正常完成編碼。下面是盲猜,沒有根據:你可能開啟了超頻,在相對高的 CPU 壓力下核心 SoC 電壓不足導致 Encoder 進程奔潰。至於你說的不知道參數有什麼影響,這是你應該去研究的問題,你需要參考文檔說明,進行測試。

        1. 回復給EFS: 你的判斷 App 崩潰和我提的第一個問題 https://github.com/vapoursynth/vapoursynth/issues/662 得到的別人的判斷相同。你的盲猜符合我的硬體設備情況。我是耗電更大的3800x,寫錯了,主板是b450,itx散熱不好,的確改了默認的BIOS。我會去工作站上試一下。

        2. 回復給EFS: 當我打開冬天的窗戶,當我的腳踝感受到冬天的寒冷,當溫度計數字從22變成7,電腦就知道這回逃不過了。是硬體的問題,在衣櫃裡面散熱太差了,現在`–lp16`也行了。

    1. 回復給Thestrals: 說一說我現在把第二三題中技術encode部分實現後的一些想法吧。可能做得比較簡單,寫下來就一行命令行,還就是vcb教程裡面改一改codec(因為題目中沒有讓用x265),寫出來看其本身沒有什麼難度,但沒有寫出來之前不知道怎麼寫。我覺得造成這樣感覺的原因是,這個難度不是邏輯上的難度,所以會有第四題再要寫一個稍微長一點的程序,而是知識上的難度,就是好像什麼都不知道,但知道了就是知道了。一個表現就是上面提的問題,我做不出來,我知道有問題,但我不知道問題在哪裡,在不知道設那個參數之前我不知道設那個參數,在我知道可以設的參數並且嘗試後,我就知道設那個參數可以繞開問題。這是我解決這個問題時的方法,下時間摸索,試總歸可以碰到那個不知道的參數,然後就試出來了。順帶還有一個問題,我並不知道這個參數對最終成品的影響。

    2. 回復給Thestrals: 還有一點感想就是,這其實是一個十分具體的目標,在實現一個具體的目標下去看VCB的教程,能更加地深入和體會到各種東西的出現。而且如果把第三個要求降低為用x265重複MP4,那這就是告訴了我們一定可以做成,這個存在性對於繼續摸索下去是信心的支撐。另外,這做出來之後,能減少格式轉換煩惱和似乎能解決這樣一個問題:手機照片視屏太多又不想刪除怎麼辦,打包放在雲盤,本地保留一份壓縮即可。過了三天,剛壓出來的激動摻和了一點搜索的勞累。

        1. 呃,我想說的是視頻處理方面的工作可能更多基於經驗而不是專業,我本科ee現在cs,幾年下來沒見過哪門課會教壓片子的,最多有的課稍微講一下圖像縮放演算法之類,可在實際使用的場景里誰會在意某技術是啥原理呢


